Case Studies

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How NCD Optimized Their Customs Clearance with FOS Desk Solutions

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Growth in logistics costs and eliminated wastes


April, 2024

M Sahith

How TayWay Logistics saved costs and eliminated waste through FOS Desk services

TayWay Logistics TayWay Logistics is an industry leader in the power of manufacturing. Based in Africa, it has twelve manufacturing facilities and gets products from over 200 different locations across the country. Through its wide range of products, it develops, produces, markets, and provides maintenance for engines as well as associated technologies like fuel systems, […]

A logistics team working in warehouse


April, 2024

M Sahith

The Warehousing Team at the FOS Desk resolves inventory and system issues at Loxpo’s warehouse

Loxpo FOS Desk finds a method to say yes by stepping in and assisting with inventory and system issues at the Loxpo warehouse. This American-based business has branches in Germany and France. Let’s look closer at the inventory and warehouse management concerns that Loxpo company experienced and how FOS Desk solved them. Over the past […]

Pricing and tariff maintenance


August, 2023

M Sahith

Streamlining Logistics Pricing: FluxFleet Logistics’ Journey of Transformation with FOS Desk’s Pricing & Tariff Maintenance Solutions

In the intricate landscape of logistics, effective pricing and seamless tariff maintenance play a pivotal role in ensuring operational excellence and client satisfaction. FluxFleet Logistics, a key player in the logistics domain, found itself entangled in the complexities of pricing strategies and tariff management. This case study unravels the transformative journey of FluxFleet Logistics, detailing […]