Logistics Glossary

Get to know the vital terms of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


What is Jettison in Shipping?

The term jettison actually means the emergency procedure or action of dropping off cargo or cargo from a ship that will enhance its stability, or decrease its weight in risky conditions. This often is adopted in extreme circumstances to help save the ship and crew from capsizing or sustaining massive damage from turbulent weather or mechanical breakage.

Important Elements of Jettison

Emergency Procedure:

Jettisoning is usually done as a last option to reduce threats that may be presented to the safety of the ship, which may be because of bad weather, loss of steerage, or any other threat.

Risk Reduction:

When the vessel drops some of its load, it may regain its stability and have a higher strength against turbulent waves, wind, or any unforeseen movement, and reduce the possibility of capsizing or sustaining other types of damage.

Legal and Insurance Consequences:

In general, cargo that is jettisoned falls within the category of marine insurance as the act is usually in general average rules, loss may be distributed among all interested parties involved in the voyage.


Jettison is a critical emergency action in maritime navigation. It is an action to save lives and the ship, though it results in loss of cargo. However, when the stability of the vessel and the safety of the crew are compromised, jettison is considered an acceptable practice, which underlines the importance of preparedness in maritime operations.